Sanitising Dehara Sahapur village, Rajasthan
Our NTI alumni, Hansraj, has been regularly sanitising his village, Dehara Sahapur, in the state of Rajasthan.
Our NTI alumni, Hansraj, has been regularly sanitising his village, Dehara Sahapur, in the state of Rajasthan.
Support Appeal at Dasrat Nagar, Bodhgaya, Bihar Contact person in the field: Upendra Mobile: 9523309649 Location: Dasrat Nagar, Bodhgaya, Gaya State: Bihar Support needed for: providing ration for (basic food…
消毒:拉賈斯坦邦,迪哈拉薩哈普爾村 新冠疫情開始後,我們的校友Hansraj就主動不時到自己居住的迪哈拉薩哈普爾村消毒。
The Nagaloka team has been making and distributing masks to those walking to their villages from Nagpur, as well as educating them on safety precautions to take against the virus.
Nagaloka team has been making and distributing food and water to daily wage labourers and others who are walking back to their homes with their families from Nagpur as they…
龍城分發糧食 賑災地點:龍城龍世學園志工:龍世團隊:Tejdarshan, Kshantiprabha, Dhivya, Deepak, John (Canada), Mohan, Milan從3月底開始,龍世學園團隊,每天都會為那些準備攜家帶倦的移工和日薪工人準備熱食和飲用水。他們從龍城路徑甘菩提路之際,就可以從我們設立的補給站吃些熱食跟補充水分。印度在封城令下,公交完全停頓,因此很多移工都只能夠步行好幾天回到自己居住的村莊。
Nagaloka Team is rapidly responding to the coronavirus outbreak, with an immediate focus on reducing human to human transmission and providing people basic need such as food, napkins, soap, mask, etc. In this crucial time Nagaloka is providing supplies and support to the most vulnerable people and their communities. Nagloka’s Alumni’s are working all over India and need your support and help to give wider effect.