You are currently viewing Support Appeal for Dasrat Nagar, Bodhgaya, Bihar

Support Appeal for Dasrat Nagar, Bodhgaya, Bihar

Support Appeal at Dasrat Nagar, Bodhgaya, Bihar

Contact person in the field: Upendra
Mobile: 9523309649
Location: Dasrat Nagar, Bodhgaya, Gaya   State:  Bihar
Support needed for: providing ration for (basic food provisions) for a total of 130 people for 7 Days
Target Amount to be raised: Rs. 46,000/-
Dasrat Nagar is a very small village near Bodhgaya, the land of Buddhahood- Siddhartha Gautama, Gaya, Bihar. Upendra visited the village and met with some family members there. He found that families there are starving. Parents could not gather food and fuel in time to prepare for the lockdown. They all are daily waged labours without possibilities of savings. Upendra sees it as darkness set upon their lives, and is trying to raise Rs.46,000/- to cover provisions for 130 people in Dasrat Nagar for a period of one week.

On behalf of Nagaloka, we appeal to all of you to support us in this extremely grave situation.

You can donate online only in the below-given bank details. We would be giving you the appropriate receipts for the same. You can also click the button below to donate online through Net-banking, Debit/Credit cards, various wallets, etc.

Our Banking Details:
Account Number: 5099101001710
Branch: Bhilgaon
IFSC: CNRB0005099

Online Donation Link: Click Here

Once you donate online, kindly message us your name, mobile, location, deposit date and the amount, so that we can add that in our records.

For any more information or guidance be free to contact us through:
Mobile: 9967883973

With metta,
Lakhindar Soren
Coordinator, Nagaloka

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