Contact Person: Jitender
Mobile: 6302655721
Location: Nizamabad Khanapur industrial area 503002- State: Telangana
Support Needed for: Providing Ration to 120 Numbers of people of 28 families for 15 Days.
Target Amount to be raised: Rs.26000/-
Appeal in brief
28 families are in urgent need of our help, as well as migrants from Bihar and Utter Pradesh are in urgent need of ration. They all work in plastic industries in Nizamabad, and now they are left without jobs, without food and basic amenities. Our NTI alumni personally visited the distressed areas and identified people to help. They have also identified widows, spinsters, and domestic workers in need of food supplies.
Verified by Our Covid19 Respond Team Volunteer
Volunteer Name: Y Rahul
Mobile: 8096845245
On behalf of Nagaloka, we would like an appeal to all of you to support us in this extremely grave situation.
You can donate online only in the below given bank details. We would be giving you the appropriate receipts for the same. You can also click the button below to donate online through Net-banking, Debit/Credit cards, various wallets, etc.
Our Banking Details:
Account Number: 5099101001710
Branch: Bhilgaon
IFSC: CNRB0005099
Online Donation Link for Indian Donors: Click Here
Online Donation Link for International Donors: Click Here
Uk donors can use the JustGiving Page: Click Here
While donating online please mention purpose of payment as: Support Migrant workers of Nizamabad, Telangana
Once you donate online, kindly message us your Name, Mobile, Location, the deposit date and the amount, so that we can add that in our records.
For any more information or guidance be free to contact us through:
Mobile: 9967883973
Thanks with much metta
Lakhidar Soren