Field Work Report:
Volunteer’s Name: Gurudev Nanda
Location of Work: Narayanapuram, Tiruppur
State: Tamil Nadu
Team Members involved: Gurudev Nanda(NTI Alumni), Pradeep Nag, Dina Suna
Work Details: As the nation wide lock-down has extended into the month of May, this has once more created difficulties, particularly for migrant workers. People are left without money, food, and daily needs. Around 12 migrants workers were stranded at their workplace in Tamil Nadu. Initially the covid-19 volunteer team tried to reach out to NGOs and organisations but we could not provide them any form of assistance. Even the company they used to work at has left them with empty hands. Through the NTI Covid19 relief fund, our NTI alumni in Tamil Nadu received money to help these migrants. They used the money to buy 150 kg of rice, 18 kg of dal, 12 kg of potatoes, 7 kg of onions, 5 kg of tomatoes, 3, and a half-litre of cooking fuel and vegetables to see the labourers through the lockdown.
Beneficiaries Quantity: 12
Beneficiaries Details: They are migrants labourers
The beneficiaries have fulfilled their needs amid this pandemic. They are very happy and thankful to the NTI Codiv19 team and donors.