Name: Sridhar
Location: Nizamabad
State: Telangana
Team members: Sridhar and Rahul
Work Details: It has been a very difficult time for all of us. The pandemic brought the worse scenarios for our deprived communities. Many members became jobless and the long lockdown caused much damage to their daily living. As a team, we surveyed the poorest and needy families in Nizamabad urban Kanteshwar shiver area.
It was heartfelt to know about the families’ conditions and how they have been managing their food meals.
With the support of Nagaloka, we help some minimum families with basic ration materials. The quantity was not fulfilling but was instant relief for the beneficiaries.
Rbeneqty: 15
Rbenedetails: Daily wagers
Remark: By this relief work family members are so pleasant and happy. They all expressed gratitude towards us.