Volunteers Name : Rathod Milan
Report date : 14/05/2021
Location of work : Malvan
State : Gujarat
Beneficiaries: 60 family
Beneficiaries details: Daily wagers, labours ,old widow, sc, obc community
Team members: Milan , Kumarsan mourya, prasanjit, Kumar Vishwas, Madhu ben
Work details: My name is Milan and I am a student of 15 batches. I have done this relief work for 5 day . I liked it, I was the only student of Nagalok in this work, but I have done this work with some young people of the village towards my family. We first made a list of every village , those who are troubled by this corona epidemic who have come to work from outside, those who are old parents and who are unable to work and whatever slum areas are there All the kits that we have prepared for them are delivered to them.We had 60 kits and more people but we gave the kit only to those who needed more
Remarks: We are very happy while doing this relief Work. Village people were happy to receive Nagaloka Donation. Also appreciate Nagaloka Relief Work started in Gujarat
Work experience was very good, people are very happy, people are very upset because of Corona, but when we gave them the kit, they were very happy and gave us a lot of luck. I was very happy to do this work and thank all those who helped me. Thank you Nagaloka, you chose me to do this work I want to help many people and I will definitely help such people
Thank you again Nagaloka-Manuksi team and all those who contribute to this work.